Design & Technology


At Half Acres Primary Academy, the national curriculum is taught through a unit based approach. Where possible, there are cross curricular links to science giving a meaningful context for the learning and allowing the children to use and apply their science knowledge. Lessons allow the children to apply basic skills: maths, writing and reading. Teachers make it explicit to children that they are learning design and technology skills and that they are being ‘Designers’ and ‘Inventors’.

Our curriculum is based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and vocabulary with a focus on children knowing more and remembering more. With clear progression across year groups, as demonstrated in the progression grid, this allows children to revisit and recap prior learning in order to embed skills and knowledge. This allows children, by the end of year 6, to have the skills to design and make a quality product for a purpose.


At Half Acres Academy evidence of the children’s learning can be found in their topic files in Key Stage 1 or in topic books in Key Stage 2. Topic books in KS2 enable the children to make cross-curricular links.

Each classroom features a working wall that has key vocabulary and visual aids that the children can refer to during lessons. The teacher adds to this as needed.

We use a wide range of high-quality resources, recyclable material and tools to help the children produce a quality product.

The children’s knowledge and understanding are assessed against the 2014 National Curriculum statements for design and technology. This is both ongoing, to inform future planning, and summative to share with staff, leaders and parents. This ensures the pitch of lessons is well matched to need and that, by the end of each key stage, required content within the National Curriculum is adequately covered to prepare pupils for the next phase.


Work scrutiny shows the vocabulary knowledge and skills taught and, as they move through the key stages the progression in these areas. The assessment sheets completed at the end of a term are shared with the subject leader and are passed up at the end of the year to allow the next teacher to address any weaknesses and they show that the children know more and remember more. Pupil voice indicates that children enjoy learning how to design and make products, they are enthusiastic; can demonstrate a development of skills used over time and that they know more and remember more.