Why is well-being of pupils so important?

When children and young people have good levels of wellbeing it helps them to:

  • learn and explore the world
  • feel, express and manage positive and negative emotions
  • form and maintain good relationships with others
  • cope with, and manage, change, setbacks and uncertainty
  • develop and thrive.

When children and young people look after their mental health and develop their coping skills it can help them to boost their resilience, self-esteem and confidence. It can also help them learn to manage their emotions, feel calm, and engage positively with their education – which can, in turn, improve their academic attainment.

At our schools we believe in nurturing the WHOLE child- good mental health & self esteem go hand in hand with better academic achievement and our aim is to help ALL our children to achieve their potential.

Half Acres pupils with hoops