
Science Statement of Intent

At Half Acres Academy, our Science curriculum provides children with the ability to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding by working scientifically. Investigation, experimentation, observation and scientific conceptual knowledge is used to promote thinking, questioning, analysis and evaluation. This allows children to make their own judgements based upon scientific evidence. Progressive opportunities support their understanding of science so that children can make links with prior learning and they can begin to work and think like a scientist.

We cover the objectives set out in the Programmes of Study in the National Curriculum. Our curriculum is based on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and vocabulary with a focus on children knowing more and remembering more. With clear progression across year groups, as demonstrated in the progression grid, this allows children to revisit and recap prior learning in order to embed skills and knowledge; also to support and challenge all children. This allows children by the end of year 6 to have the scientific skills to be successful in secondary school.


In science lessons, we mix the content knowledge and investigation skills needed to solve science problems and make decisions based on what they have learned. Our lessons also allow the children to practise their maths and English whilst developing reasoning, problem-solving and social skills.

The lessons include practical activities that mean the children are working, hands-on, with real-life models or representations where possible; these lessons link science concepts to everyday life so the children can understand the world around them in a scientific way.  During investigations and experiments, there are a range of equipment to use to allow the children to work as scientists.

Each classroom has a science working wall that shows the vocabulary and visual aids needed for the current topic. Within the lesson, a brief quiz is held to see if the children have remembered prior learning and can recall science vocabulary and definitions.

In order to build on the children’s understanding and to further embed and support our teaching, we bring in visitors, have class trips and hold workshops when it suits the topic.

Staff assess the children during lessons and at the end of a unit: they fill in a science assessment sheet which focuses and those working below and those at greater depth giving more information about the problems seem to be. This ensures the pitch of lessons is well matched to need and that, by the end of each key stage, required content within the National Curriculum is adequately covered to prepare pupils for the next phase.


Learners have the knowledge and skills to work like a scientist. They make sustained progress in science which is measured against age appropriate progression grids and expectations. By the end of each phase children are expected to know, apply and understand the knowledge, skills and processes specified in the programme of study.

Pupil voice indicates that children enjoy learning science, they are enthusiastic about investigations and they can demonstrate a growing understanding of the concepts over time and that they know more and remember more.